REGISTRATION 2024.2025 - Please contact us for registration details
Athletes born in 2013 & 2014
Athletes ski 55 or 65 days on snow. Athletes will begin to learn life skills such as hard work, dedication, time management, team work, self-belief, goal setting, visualization and sportsmanship just to name a few. We want to make athletes the best skier, racer and person they can be. Coaches are here to guide your athlete through a path that will make them grow as a person and an athlete. U12 ski a combination of training and racing, with technical free skiing. This program is set in a competitive environment preparing them for U12 Provincial Race Series. Teams will free ski at Lake Louise and Sunshine Village, to ensure a variety of terrain and snow conditions. Athletes will receive feedback from coaches, video sessions and self awareness.
*Big 3 or Norquay Season Passes recommended, not included in program fees
NorAm Race
Lake Louise & Norquay
Hosting FIS NorAm Race
U12 Caribou Cup
Mt Norquay
Hosting U12 Provincial Race